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   제 목   [HOMEWORK] 6/30    상 태  
   교정강사   Rona(C)    등록일   2022-07-01
  A. Make three sentences using the word "responsibility". I have my own responsibility. We should have responsibility each other. The teacher ought to be responsibility for us. B. Make these sentences into English. 난 그냥 채소만 먹을래.나 다이어트 중이거든. I just eat a vegetable. I have a diet. 난 믿을 수가 없어.내가 알기로 너는 육식가 인데. I can't believe it. I thought you're a meat eater. 그리고 넌 치킨이랑 돼지고기를 매우 좋아하잖아. Then, you like chickens and meats very well.

A. Make three sentences using the word "responsibility".

I have my own responsibility.

We should have responsibility each other. —> We should be responsible for each other.

=> Corrected : The sentences were corrected grammatically.

The teacher ought to be responsibility for us. —> The teacher ought to be responsible for us.

=> Corrected : The sentences were corrected grammatically.

B. Make these sentences into English.

난 그냥 채소만 먹을래.나 다이어트 중이거든.

I just eat a vegetable. I have a diet. --—> I just ate vegetables. I am on a diet.

=> Corrected : The sentences were corrected grammatically.

난 믿을 수가 없어.내가 알기로 너는 육식가 인데.

I can't believe it. I thought you're a meat eater.

그리고 넌 치킨이랑 돼지고기를 매우 좋아하잖아.

Then, you like chickens and meats very well. —-—> Then, you like chicken and meat very much.

=> Corrected : The sentences were corrected grammatically.