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   제 목   'O' is 15th letter of English and O has similar shape to '0'(zero).    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2022-07-05
  A. Make sentences with the following words: ANSWER / DIVE / ASK I answered the question. I can't dive at diving pool because I'm afraid of it. I asked the question. B. Make these sentences into English. (07/05/22) 1. 뭐 하시는 분이니? What does he(or she) do? 2. 플로리스트야 He(or She) is florist. 3. 카네이션 두 송이 주세요. Give me two carnation.

A. Make sentences with the following words: ANSWER / DIVE / ASK

I answered the question. 

I can't dive at diving pool because I'm afraid of it. 

I asked the question. 


B. Make these sentences into English.


1. 뭐 하시는 분이니?

What does he(or she) do? 

2. 플로리스트야

He(or She) is florist. 

3. 카네이션 두 송이 주세요.

Give me two carnations.


Great job Tae Gyu. Keep it up and study more English expressions and expand your knowledge with vocabulary.

Have a nice day and thank you!!!

-Happy- ^-^​