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   제 목   Why was the 788,000-year-old crater not found before?    상 태  
   교정강사   Colleen(C)    등록일   2024-01-04
  A.) Why was the 788,000-year-old crater not found before? Please elaborate on your answer. Craters are said to be eroded by wind and rainfall over time or destroyed by tectonic movements. So the 788,000-year-old crater is also likely to be eroded or destroyed by tectonic movements. B.) Make these sentences into English. (01/03/24) 1. 일단 백 대를 먼저 주문하겠습니다. First, I will place an order for 100 units. 2. 처음에는 2 백 대를 주문하려고 하지 않았나요? First, is it not for you to have placed an order for 200 units? 3. 수요를 알아보기 위해서는 이런 기초단계가 필요합니다. This kind of basic step is necessary to check demand.

A.) Why was the 788,000-year-old crater not found before? Please elaborate on your answer.


Craters are said to be eroded by wind and rainfall over time or destroyed by tectonic movements.

So the 788,000-year-old crater is also likely to be eroded or destroyed by tectonic movements.  



B.) Make these sentences into English.




1. 일단 백 대를 먼저 주문하겠습니다.

First, I will place an order for 100 units.  


2. 처음에는 2 백 대를 주문하려고 하지 않았나요?

First, is it not for you to have placed an order for 200 units?  


3. 수요를 알아보기 위해서는 이런 기초단계가 필요합니다.

This kind of basic step is necessary to check demand.  


 Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.