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   제 목   Feb. 6th Homework by Taegyu    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2024-02-06
  A. Make sentences with the following: SINCE / FOR I have seen you since I was 5th in elementry school. I have seen you for over 3 years. B. Make these sentences into English. (02/01/24) 1. 먼저, 우리는 스파게티를 만들 채소를 사야 해. At first, we need to buy some vegetable to make spaghetti. 2. 맞아.식품 가게로 가자. Right. Let's go to the grocery store. 3. 내 생각에는 토마토랑 고추랑 국수 사야 해. 이외에 더 있나? Let me think, we have to buy tomatoes, peppers, and some noodles. Is there anything else?

A. Make sentences with the following: SINCE / FOR

I have seen you since I was 5th in elementary school.✔

I have seen you for over 3 years. ✔​



B. Make these sentences into English.


1. 먼저, 우리는 스파게티를 만들 채소를 사야 해.

First, we need to buy some vegetable to make spaghetti. ✔​


2. 맞아.식품 가게로 가자.

Right. Let's go to the grocery store. ✔​


3. 내 생각에는 토마토랑 고추랑 국수 사야 해. 이외에 더 있나?

Let me think, we have to buy tomatoes, peppers, and some noodles. Is there anything else? ✔​



Well done as always Tae Gyu. Keep studying!