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   제 목   How could the contents of the mound alter history?    상 태  
   교정강사   Colleen(C)    등록일   2024-01-22
  A.) How could the contents of the mound alter history? Please elaborate on your answer. A carbon dating result on the wood found in the mound is said to suggest that the buried ship was made around the year 700. It means that it was one hundred years before the start of the Viking era known between the years 800 and 1050. So if it is true, the history must be altered. B.) Make these sentences into English. (01/16/24) 1. 이 가격이 3 개월 후에도 적용되나요? Will this price be available in 3 months? 2. 갑작스러운 가격인상을 설명해 주실 수 있나요? Could you explain the sudden price increase? 3. 더 이상의 손해를 방지하기 위해 가격을 인상해야 합니다. We should increase the price to avoid more loss.
  A.) How could the contents of the mound alter history? Please elaborate on your answer.

A carbon dating result on the wood found in the mound is said to suggest that the buried ship was made around the year 700.
It means that it was one hundred years before the start of the Viking era known between the years 800 and 1050.
So if it is true,  the history must be altered.  ✔️
B.) Make these sentences into English.


1. 이 가격이 3 개월 후에도 적용되나요?
Will this price be available in 3 months? ✔️

2. 갑작스러운 가격인상을 설명해 주실 수 있나요?
Could you explain the sudden price increase?  ✔️

3. 더 이상의 손해를 방지하기 위해 가격을 인상해야 합니다.
We should increase the price to avoid more loss.  ✔️

  Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.