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   제 목   What makes a country democratic?    상 태  
   교정강사   Colleen(C)    등록일   2024-01-16
  A.) What makes a country democratic? Please elaborate on your answer. Democracy is said to be drived from an ancient Greek word 'demokratia' which means 'rule by the people'. People's participation will be a critical point to be a democratic country. So the first step must be eliminating discouragements against people's participation. B.) Make these sentences into English. (01/15/24) 1. 귀사의 견적가격의 유효기간을 정확히 명시해 주세요. Please specify the expiration date of the estimated price. 2. 제가 드린 견적가격은 10 월말까지 유효합니다. What I quoted will be valid by the end of October. 3. 귀사의 가격표에 유효기간이 명시되어 있지 않습니다. The term of validity is not specified on your price table.

A.) What makes a country democratic? Please elaborate on your answer.


Democracy is said to be derived from an ancient Greek word 'demokratia' which means  'rule by the people'.

People's participation will be a critical point to be a democratic country.

So the first step must be eliminating discouragements against people's participation.  ✔️


B.) Make these sentences into English.




1. 귀사의 견적가격의 유효기간을 정확히 명시해 주세요.

 Please specify the expiration date of the estimated price. ✔️

​2. 제가 드린 견적가격은 10 월말까지 유효합니다.

What I quoted will be valid by the end of October.  ✔️


3. 귀사의 가격표에 유효기간이 명시되어 있지 않습니다.

The term of validity is not specified on your price table.  ✔️

  Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.