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   제 목   Jan. 14th homework by Taegyu    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2024-01-11
  A. Name some disasters that you know of. There are some disasters: 1. Earthquake: Earthquake is that the land is shaking. It could be just shaking a little if it's weak, but if it is strong, the land can be cracked! 2. Typhoon: Typhoon is the heavy wind with heavy rain. Typhoon often causes flood. 3. Drought: Drought is that there is no(or little) rain. With drought, land may splited. B. Make these sentences into English. (01/11/24) 1. 그녀가 울고 있어. 왕비가 그녀를 쫓아냈어. She's crying. The queen threw her out. 2. 그런데, 일곱 난쟁이들은 어디에 있지? By the way, where are the 7 dwarfs? 3. 그들은 무대에 곧 나올 거야. We're going to meet them soon.

A. Name some disasters that you know of.

There are some disasters:

1. Earthquake: Earthquake is that the land is shaking. It could be just shaking a little if it's weak, but if it is strong, the land can be cracked!

Better: An earthquake is defined as trembling in the ground. If it's weak, it might simply be trembling a little, but if it's strong, the land could crack!

2. Typhoon: Typhoon is the heavy wind with heavy rain. Typhoon often causes flood.

Corrected: Typhoon is the heavy wind with heavy rain. Typhoons often cause floods.

3. Drought: Drought is that there is no(or little) rain. With drought, land may splited.

Corrected: Drought means that there is no (or little) rain. With drought, land may be split.


B. Make these sentences into English.


1. 그녀가 울고 있어. 왕비가 그녀를 쫓아냈어.

She's crying. The queen threw her out.

2. 그런데, 일곱 난쟁이들은 어디에 있지?

By the way, where are the 7 dwarfs?

3. 그들은 무대에 곧 나올 거야.

We're going to meet them soon.

Thank you so much for answering your homework. Keep studying!​