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   제 목   Taegyu's homework    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2024-01-09
  A. Make sentences with thee words: INSTEAD OF / INSTEAD I want to buy a new one, instead of an old one. I don't like an old one, so I decided to buy a new one instead. B. Make these sentences into English. (01/09/24) 1. 토토의 목은 푸푸의 목보다 더 짧아. Toto's neck is shorter than Popo's. 2. 라라의 귀는 코코의 귀보다 더 길어. Rara's ear is longer than Coco's. 3. 우리 경주 하자. 어떻게 생각 하니? Let's have a race. What do you think?

A. Make sentences with thee words: INSTEAD OF / INSTEAD

I want to buy a new one instead of an old one.

I don't like an old one, so I decided to buy a new one instead.


B. Make these sentences into English.


1. 토토의 목은 푸푸의 목보다 더 짧아.

Toto's neck is shorter than Popo's.

2. 라라의 귀는 코코의 귀보다 더 길어.

Rara's ear is longer than Coco's.

3. 우리 경주 하자. 어떻게 생각 하니?

Let's have a race. What do you think?

Great Job!!! Keep it up Tae Gyu!!!​