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   제 목   Today's Feburary 20th, Tuesday.    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2024-02-20
  A. How do you save electricity at home? Give examples. We save electiricity in these ways: 1. We turn off the light when we don't need the light. 2. We don't use air conditioner so much even if it is summer. 3. We pull out the electric plug when we're not using. B. Make these sentences into English. (02/15/24) 1. 내 생각에 너는 벌처럼 바쁘겠구나.그럼 내일은 뭘 할 거니? You would be as busy as a bee. Then what will you do tomorrow? 2. 내일은 스노쿨링을 할 거야. I'm going to snorkle. 3. 나도 스노쿨링 좋아해. 나도 그거 해보고 싶다. I like snorkling too. I would like to do that.

A. How do you save electricity at home? Give examples.

We save electricity in these ways:

1. We turn off the light when we don't need the light.❤

2. We don't use air conditioner so much even if it is summer. ❤​


3. We pull out the electric plug when we're not using. ❤​



B. Make these sentences into English.


1. 내 생각에 너는 벌처럼 바쁘겠구나.그럼 내일은 뭘 할 거니?

You would be as busy as a bee. Then what will you do tomorrow? ❤​


2. 내일은 스노쿨링을 할 거야.

I'm going to snorkel.  ❤​


3. 나도 스노쿨링 좋아해. 나도 그거 해보고 싶다.

I like snorkeling too. I would like to do that. ❤​​