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   제 목   Feb. 1st Homework by Taegyu    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2024-02-01
  A. Make sentences with the following: IN ORDER TO / SO THAT I'm studying English in order to communicate with not only the people who know Korean, but also who know English. I'm really happy so that I can help you anything you want. B. Make these sentences into English. (01/30/24) 1. 너무 맛있다. It's so delicious. 2. 어떻게 만들었니? How did you make? 3. 간단하지만 저만의 비밀 이예요. It's simple, but it's my secret.

A. Make sentences with the following: IN ORDER TO / SO THAT

I'm studying English in order to communicate with not only the people who know Korean, but also who know English.

Corrected: I'm studying English in order to communicate with not only people who know Korean but also those who know English.

I'm really happy so that I can help you anything you want.

Corrected: I'm really happy that I can help you with anything you want.


B. Make these sentences into English.


1. 너무 맛있다.

It's so delicious. ✔

2. 어떻게 만들었니?

How did you make it? ✔​


3. 간단하지만 저만의 비밀 이예요.

It's simple, but it's my secret. ✔​

Well done Tae Gyu. Keep exploring the language and practice it. Good day!