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   제 목   Jan. 23th homework by Taegyu    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2024-01-23
  A. Make sentences with the following words: AVOID / RUB / TIGHTLY I have to avoid it. It's too dangerous. I rubbed sunscreen not to get burnt. I tied it tightly so that it couldn't escape. B. Make these sentences into English. (01/23/24) 1. 어떤 아이스크림이 가장 비싸니? Which ice cream is the most expensive? 2. 글쎄.. 네 것이 나의 것보다 비싸. Well... Yours is more expensive than mine. 3. 내 생각엔 내 아이스크림이 너의 것보다 싸. I think mine is cheaper than yours.

A. Make sentences with the following words: AVOID / RUB / TIGHTLY

I have to avoid it. It's too dangerous.✔

I rubbed sunscreen not to get burnt. ✔​


I tied it tightly so that it couldn't escape. ✔​



B. Make these sentences into English.


1. 어떤 아이스크림이 가장 비싸니?

Which ice cream is the most expensive? ✔​


2. 글쎄.. 네 것이 나의 것보다 비싸.

Well... Yours is more expensive than mine. ✔​


3. 내 생각엔 내 아이스크림이 너의 것보다 싸.

I think mine is cheaper than yours. ✔​

Keep it up Tae Gyu!!! Well done!!!​