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   제 목   21033hw    상 태  
   교정강사   Jeniffer(C)    등록일   2021-04-04
  Which invention is better, the Internet or electricity? I think the invention of the Internet is greater. This is because the Internet has the power to connect worldwise people. Along with the Internet, computers, mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic devices can be developed, so our civilization can also develop. -나는 빙판에서 미끄러져 뒤로 넘어졌다 I slipped on the ice and fell backwards. -저를 회사 앞에 내려 주시겠어요? Could you drop me off in front of the company? -우리는 2년마다 차를 바꾼다. We change cars every two years.

Which invention is better, the Internet or electricity?


I think the invention of the Internet is better. This is because the Internet has the power to connect

worldwide people. Along with the Internet, computers, mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic devices can be developed, so our civilization can also develop.


-나는 빙판에서 미끄러져 뒤로 넘어졌다

I slipped on the ice and fell backwards. --> I slipped on the ice and fell on my back.

 => Corrected : The sentence is corrected grammatically.

-저를 회사 앞에 내려 주시겠어요?

Could you drop me off in front of the company?  --> ​Could you drop me in front of the office?


   => Corrected : The sentence is corrected grammatically.

-우리는 2년마다 차를 바꾼다.

We change cars every two years.​  -->  We change our car every two years.

=> Your sentence has a correct grammatical structure, but this has the correct usage/ expression.