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   제 목   3.31homework jack    상 태  
   교정강사   Erica(C)    등록일   2021-03-31
  HOMEWORK: A. Make sentences using these words. -betweent = The car is between the garage walls. - in front of = A car mechanic is in front of the car. -at = A man at the zoo. -next to = A dog is next to the man. B. Make these sentences into English. (03/31/21) -내일이 어버이 날이잖아.너는 카네이션 준비했니? = Tomorrow is a parents`day.Do youprepared carrnations? -이런! 깜빡 했어.나도 사야겠다. = Oh! I`il forget. I will buy a carnation. -그런데 돈이 없네. 나에게 돈 좀 빌려줄수 있니? = But I don`t have enough money. Do you can borrow some money for me?


 A. Make sentences using these words.

 -between = The car is between the garage walls.


 - in front of = A car mechanic is in front of the car.


 -at = A man at the zoo. -> A man is at the zoo. => Your sentence has a correct grammatical structure, but this has the correct usage/ expression.

 -next to = A dog is next to the man.

 B. Make these sentences into English.


-내일이 어버이 날이잖아.너는 카네이션 준비했니? = Tomorrow is a parents`day.Do youprepared carrnations? -> Tomorrow is Parent's day. Did you prepare the carnations? => Your sentence has a correct grammatical structure, but this has the correct usage/ expression.


-이런! 깜빡 했어.나도 사야겠다. = Oh! I`il forget. I will buy a carnation. -> Oops! I forgot. I have to buy them, too. => Another way: Your sentence is okay and this is another way of saying it.


-그런데 돈이 없네. 나에게 빌려줄수 있니? = But I don`t have enough money. Do you can borrow some money for me? -> But I have no money. Can I borrow some money? => Your sentence has a correct grammatical structure, but this has the correct usage/ expression.