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   제 목   Taegyu's homework    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2024-03-12
  Sorry for being late! I forgot to do my homework on last Thursday. :( A. Make sentences with the following words: APPROACH / POTENTIAL / CHALLENGE I approached him to get his help. The higher the thing is, the more potential energy the thing has. I will complete the challenge and be the champion. B. Make these sentences into English. (03/05/24) 1. 엄마, 너무 배고파요. Mom, I'm so hungry. 2. 덕보야, 네 방을 청소 하고 나면 이 케익을 먹을 수 있게 해줄게. You can eat this cake, after cleaning your room, Dugbo. 3. 좋아요. 지금 당장 할게요. Thanks. I'll do it right away.

Sorry for being late! I forgot to do my homework on last Thursday. :(


A. Make sentences with the following words: APPROACH / POTENTIAL / CHALLENGE

I approached him to get his help.✔

The higher the thing is, the more potential energy the thing has. ✔​


I will complete the challenge and be the champion. ✔​


B. Make these sentences into English.


1. 엄마, 너무 배고파요.

Mom, I'm so hungry. ✔​


2. 덕보야, 네 방을 청소 하고 나면 이 케익을 먹을 수 있게 해줄게.

You can eat this cake, after cleaning your room, Dugbo. ✔​


3. 좋아요. 지금 당장 할게요.

Thanks. I'll do it right away. ✔​

I appreciated your participation in answering your home​work. Keep it up!