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   제 목   Why should the movie be shown in the Philippines and Vietnam?    상 태  
   교정강사   Colleen(C)    등록일   2023-08-21
  A) Why should the movie be shown in the Philippines and Vietnam? Please elaborate on your answer. The mattered chart on the movie of Barbie could remind the Nine Dash Map. But the theme of the movie is not related to the territorial dispute. The similarity between the chart and the map must be accidental. I think two countries' banning should be reconsidered. B.) Make these sentences into English. (08/07/23) 1. 충분한 상품을 생산합니다. We produce enough quantity of goods. 2. 8,000 명의 근로자가 있습니다. We have 8,000 workers. 3. 제품에 대해서 더 알고 싶습니다. We need more information about your products.

A) Why should the movie be shown in the Philippines and Vietnam? Please elaborate on your answer.


The mattered chart on the movie of Barbie could remind the Nine Dash Map.

But the theme of the movie is not related to the territorial dispute.

The similarity between the chart and the map must be accidental.        

I think two countries' banning should be reconsidered. 


=>  The matter chart in the movie Barbie could remind the Nine Dash Map.

But, the theme of the movie is not related to the territorial dispute.

The similarity between the chart and the map must be accidental.        

I think the two countries' banning should be reconsidered. ​



B.) Make these sentences into English.




1. 충분한 상품을 생산합니다.

We produce enough quantity of goods.  


2. 8,000 명의 근로자가 있습니다.

We have 8,000 workers.  


3. 제품에 대해서 더 알고 싶습니다.

We need more information about your products.  



• Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.