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   제 목   Why is life expectancy rising in many developed nations?    상 태  
   교정강사   Colleen(C)    등록일   2023-10-21
  A.) Why is life expectancy rising in many developed nations? Please elaborate on your answer. Life expectancy is the average number of years that people are expected to live. It would be a function of hospitals, healthcare, and medicines. Developed nations usually provide their people with good medical conditions. It could be an answer to the inquiry. B.) Make these sentences into English. (10/18/23) 1. 많은 전문가들이 이 이론을 인정합니다. Many experts support this theory. 2. 최근 조사에 따르면 인도 소비자들이 서양 제품에 아주 개방적입니다. A recent survey shows that Indian consumers are very open to Western products. 3. 저희 마케팅 전략은 다른 국가에서 성공을 거뒀습니다. Our marketing strategy succeeded in other countries.

A.) Why is life expectancy rising in many developed nations? Please elaborate on your answer.


Life expectancy is the average number of years that people are expected to live.

It would be a function of hospitals, healthcare, and medicines. 

Developed nations usually provide their people with good medical conditions.

It could be an answer to the inquiry.  



B.) Make these sentences into English.




1. 많은 전문가들이 이 이론을 인정합니다.

Many experts support this theory. 


2. 최근 조사에 따르면 인도 소비자들이 서양 제품에 아주 개방적입니다.

A recent survey shows that Indian consumers are very open to Western products.  



3. 저희 마케팅 전략은 다른 국가에서 성공을 거뒀습니다.  

Our marketing strategy succeeded in other countries.  


• Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.