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   제 목   What would happen if 16 Psyche was towed back to the Earth?    상 태  
   교정강사   Colleen(C)    등록일   2023-11-12
  A.) What would happen if 16 Psyche was towed back to the Earth? Please elaborate on your answer. 16 Psyche is said to be an asteroid consisting of iron and nickel. It is over 225 km across, which means it is ultra-size. So if it is to be towed back to the Earth, its quantity of iron and nickel would pull down their price. B.) Make these sentences into English. (11/09/23) 1. 내년에 수익이 두 배로 껑충 뛸 것으로 예상됩니다. The profit is expected to jump up by double next year. 2. 일단 현지 인지도를 쌓는데 집중할 것입니다. We will first focus on building up local recognition. 3. 중국에서는 전자제품에 대한 수요가 높습니다. There is a high demand for electronics in China.

A.) What would happen if 16 Psyche was towed back to the Earth? Please elaborate on your answer.


16 Psyche is said to be an asteroid consisting of iron and nickel.

It is over 225 km across, which means it is ultra-size.

So if it is to be towed back to the Earth,  its quantity of iron and nickel would pull down their price.     



B.) Make these sentences into English.




1. 내년에 수익이 두 배로 껑충 뛸 것으로 예상됩니다.

The profit is expected to jump up by double next year.

 Your sentence is okay and this is another way of saying it.

​=>  We expect our profits to increase twofold next year.


2. 일단 현지 인지도를 쌓는데 집중할 것입니다.

We will first focus on building up local recognition.  


3. 중국에서는 전자제품에 대한 수요가 높습니다.

There is a high demand for electronics in China.  


• Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.