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   제 목   Foreigners understand Korean Culture Is Struggling.    상 태  
   교정강사   Stella(D)O    등록일   2023-11-26
  1.a culture of trying to pay for each other. It is said that many foreigners have been surprised to see people fighting each other to pay for their meals at restaurants. Of course, it wasn't long before I found out that I wasn't getting angry and really fighting. However, a foreigner from a country where it is common to have Dutch pay also said that he was embarrassed because the other person who shared the meal with him continued to pay for the meal. 2. Sharing side dishes In Korea, it is very familiar to share side dishes in the middle of the table, but foreigners feel unfamiliar with this dining culture. It's because one setting per person and reading is basic. This culture in Korea is said to have originated from the days when living on the Korean Peninsula became poor during the Korean War and public food was forced to be served due to a lack of tableware.

Foreigners understand that Korean culture is struggling.




1. A culture of trying to pay for each other.

It is said that many foreigners have been surprised to see people fighting each other to pay for their meals at restaurants. Of course, it wasn't long before I found out that I wasn't getting angry and really fighting. However, a foreigner from a country where it is common to have Dutch pay also said that he was embarrassed because the other person who shared the meal with him continued to pay for the meal.


2. Sharing side dishes

In Korea, it is very common to share side dishes in the middle of the table, but foreigners feel unfamiliar with this dining culture. It's because one setting per person and reading are basic. This culture in Korea is said to have originated from the days when living on the Korean Peninsula became poor during the Korean War and public food was forced to be served due to a lack of tableware.​