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   제 목   homework Christine 06/14/21    상 태  
   교정강사   Catherine(C)    등록일   2021-06-16
  A. Why do many people like to wear jewelry? They want to show that they are rich. B. Make these sentences into English. (06/14/21) -Mandy는 그녀의 머리카락을 100번은 빗는다. -그들은 경찰에게 말을 하고 있다. -난 그 게임을 봤어. -Mandy comb her hair for 100 times. -They are taking to polices. -I saw that game.

A. Why do many people like to wear jewelry?

They want to show that they are rich. --->  They wanted to show people that they are rich.​


=> Corrected : The sentence is corrected grammatically.

B. Make these sentences into English.


-Mandy는 그녀의 머리카락을 100번은 빗는다.

Mandy comb her hair for 100 times.​ Corrected pattern=> Mandy combs her hair one hundred times.

-그들은 경찰에게 말을 하고 있다.

They are taking to polices.​ Corrected pattern=>​ They are talking to the police.

-난 그 게임을 봤어.

I saw that game.​ Corrected pattern=>​ I watched the games.