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   제 목   What is favorite time of the day?    상 태  
   교정강사   Happy(C)    등록일   2021-06-15
  HOMEWORK: A. What is favorite time of the day? Why? My favorite time of the day is PM 4:00. Because I usually finish studying about PM 4:00. B. Make these sentences into English. (06/10/21) -이건 푸푸야, 사랑스러운 강아지야.푸푸는빨리 달릴 수 있어. This is Pupu. It's lovely dog. It can run fast. -이건 코코야. 코코는 귀여운 고양이야. 코코는 파란 눈을 가지고 있어. This is Coco. It's cute cat. It has blue eyes.


 A. What is favorite time of the day? Why?

My favorite time of the day is PM 4:00. Because I usually finish studying around PM 4:00.


 B. Make these sentences into English.


-이건 푸푸야, 사랑스러운 강아지야.푸푸는빨리 달릴 수 있어.

This is Pupu. She's lovely dog. She can run fast.

-이건 코코야. 코코는 귀여운 고양이야. 코코는 파란 눈을 가지고 있어.

This is Coco. She's a cute cat. She has blue eyes.​ 

Great job!