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   제 목   What can polar bears do if there is no sea ice or if it melts?    상 태  
   교정강사   Colleen(C)    등록일   2024-04-08
  A.) What can polar bears do if there is no sea ice or if it melts? Please elaborate on your answer. Polar bears are said to feed on seals, which might make them spend time on sea ice. So if the sea ice melts wholly, they would have difficulty in capturing seals. That means that they have to change their diet from meat to plant. B.) Make these sentences into English. (04/05/24) 1. 관세만 해도 수입가격의 12 퍼센트입니다. The tariff makes up 12% of the import price. 2. 세금을 줄일 수 있는 방법을 찾아봅시다. Let's try to find a way to curtail tax. 3. 가격이 계속 경쟁력이 있을 수 있도록 관세를 낮출 계획입니다. We have a plan to cut tariffs down to keep the price competitivity.

A.) What can polar bears do if there is no sea ice or if it melts? Please elaborate on your answer.


Polar bears are said to feed on seals, which might make them spend time on sea ice.

So if the sea ice melts wholly,  they would have difficulty in capturing seals.

That means that they have to change their diet from meat to plant.   ✔️


B.) Make these sentences into English.




1. 관세만 해도 수입가격의 12 퍼센트입니다.

 The tariff makes up 12% of the import price. ✔️

2. 세금을 줄일 수 있는 방법을 찾아봅시다.

 Let's try to find a way to curtail tax.  ✔️


3. 가격이 계속 경쟁력이 있을 수 있도록 관세를 낮출 계획입니다.

 We have a plan to cut tariffs down to keep the price competitivity.  ✔️


  Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.