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   제 목   2022. 8. 9 Jack    상 태  
   교정강사   Colleen(C)    등록일   2022-08-09
  {HOMEWORK} A.) How do you think clouds form in the sky? When the Sun evaporate water, water became to water vapor. And water vapor rise up the sky. And they cool down and they became to tiny water droplets. When they stand together, they became to cloud. B.) Make these sentences into English. (08/09/22) 1. 응, 네가 브래드니? Yes, are you the Bred? 2. 응, 만나서 반가워,심순아. Yes, nice to meet you, Simsoon. 3. 나도 역시 만나서 반가워, 브래드. Nice meet you too, Bred.


A.) How do you think clouds form in the sky?

When the Sun evaporate water, water became to water vapor. And water vapor rise up the sky. And they cool down

and they became to tiny water droplets. When they stand together, they became to cloud.


=>  When the Sun evaporates water, the water became water vapor. And water vapor rises up the sky. And they cool down

and became tiny water droplets. When they stand together, they became clouds.


B.) Make these sentences into English.




1. 응, 네가 브래드니? Yes, are you the Bred? =>  Yes, I am. Are you Brad?

2. 응, 만나서 반가워,심순아. Yes, nice to meet you, Simsoon. 

3. 나도 역시 만나서 반가워, 브래드. Nice meet you too, Bred.  =>  Nice to meet you, too Brad.





• Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.