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   제 목   ()^v^() Luna's homework !    상 태  
   교정강사   Kristina(C)    등록일   2021-09-16
  -이건 널 인터넷과 연결해줄 거야. This will connect you and the internet. -몇몇 재소자들이 탈출했다. Some prisoners escaped. -Luke는 그의 높은 성적을 유지했다. Luke kept his high grade.

B: Make these sentences into English.

-이건 널 인터넷과 연결해줄 거야. This will connect you and the internet. *This will connect you to the internet.

~> Corrected: The sentence is corrected grammatically.

-몇몇 재소자들이 탈출했다. Some prisoners escaped. 

-Luke는 그의 높은 성적을 유지했다. Luke kept his high grade. *Luke maintained his high grades.

~> This sentence is okay. This is another way of saying it.