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   교정강사   Sarah(C)    등록일   2021-09-16
  HOMEWORK: A. What is your favorite Chuseok food? Why? My favorite Chuseok food is Songpyeon. Because it's sweet. B. [Make these sentences into English] (09/16/21) -체육관 으로 가자. Let's go to the gym. -힘내자! Let's cheer up! -오 심순이 집에 왔구나. Oh, Simsoon came home.


A. What is your favorite Chuseok food? Why?

My favorite Chuseok food is Songpyeon. Because it's sweet.

=> This sentence is okay. This is another way writing it. 

A: My favorite Chuseok food is Songpyeon, because it's sweet.



B. [Make these sentences into English]


-체육관 으로 가자.

Let's go to the gym. => Let's go there.


Let's cheer up! =>​ Cheer up!

-오 심순이 집에 왔구나.

Oh, Simsoon came home. =>​ Oh, Simsoon. You're home.

=> Your sentences have correct grammatical structure, but these have the correct usage/expression.